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Cannabis Breeding at Alien Plant Seeds

“I would like to discuss my breeding practices and how the current state of breeding has deviated from its original purpose. For thousands of years, humans have selectively bred plants and animals for specific purposes. For example, we may breed dogs like the Dogo Argentino to hunt wild pigs and mountain lions. However, in today’s world of breeding, the weak and non-conforming are often culled, which is a departure from the original intent of breeding.”

Cannabis is a group of three plants with psychoactive properties, known as Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. When the flowers of these plants are harvested and dried, you’re left with one of the most common drugs in the world. Some call it weed, some call it pot, and others call it marijuana. Cannabis contains more than 120 components, which are known as cannabinoids. Experts still aren’t sure what each cannabinoid does, but they have a pretty good understanding of two of them, known as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Each has its own effects and uses: CBD. This is a psychoactive cannabinoid, yet it’s non-intoxicating and non-euphoric, meaning it won’t get you “high.” It’s often used to help reduce inflammation and pain. It may also ease nausea, migraine, seizures, and anxiety. THC. This is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. THC is responsible for the “high” that most people associate with cannabis. You can find cannabis products that contain just CBD, THC, or a combination of both. But the dried flower that most people associate with cannabis contains both cannabinoids, though certain strains may have much more of one than the other ¹.

Cannabis contains hundreds of chemical substances. Over 100 of these are known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are made and stored in the plant’s trichomes. Trichomes are tiny, clear hairs that stick out from the flowers and leaves of the plant. Cannabinoids have effects on cell receptors in the brain and body. They can change how those cells behave and communicate with each other.

“I am a sungrown breeder, which means that I do not provide the best conditions for my plants to grow. At Alien Plant Seeds proving grounds, I put my plants through rigorous testing to ensure that only the strongest and most resilient ones survive. I intentionally use bad soil, overwater them, and generally do everything wrong to see which ones have the potential to be champions. I believe that plants that require constant attention and care are not worth breeding. Indoor plants bred for performance often fail to thrive outside because they are weak and require trellising. If the environment is not perfect, they will cower and die.”

“I do not adjust the pH of the water I use for breeding. I believe that plants that require a specific pH range are problematic. At Alien Plant Seeds proving grounds, I breed sun-grown plants that are ready to thrive in any environment. However, over time, breeding has shifted from flavor and smell to lab testing and THC content. Consumers now demand high THC content, and breeders and growers are breeding for high THC without considering flavor, smell, and terpene profiles. My breeding projects aim to bring back proper breeding practices because high THC does not necessarily mean more effect. It’s like adding more salt to soup; it just makes it saltier, not better. THC, CBD, and all the cannabinoids work together as a team, and THC alone cannot provide a complete and robust effect. A one-to-one ratio plant, where THC and CBD are at the same percentages, is more medicinal than a high-THC plant.”

Traits I look for.

1.            Vigor – no room for the week

2.            Pest Resistance – kick them bugs to the wind. Praying Mantis and Lady Bugs only

3.            Plant growth structure – This one is important to match to the enviroment

4.            Pathogen resistance – Keep kicking uninvited guests to the wind

5.            Bud rot, Mildew, Mold resistance – who wants moldy rotten flowers

6.            Sturdiness –  Does it need trellis in flowering stage

7.            Effects of Extreme Temps- Can it survive a night of snow?

8.            Smell Smell Smell, and more Smell-It better grab me and pull me over to get a wiff

9.            Oil and Trichome production – The spice must flow

10.          Flowering Time-We don’t want to wait too long for it to finish

11.          Bud Shape / Easy to trim-Bud shape is important

12.          Harvest weight-Well this is the one time we want her to be a heavy girl.

Millions of plants die trying to be that champion Alien Plant.

….Marvin Alien Farmer